Get the look for this season with the fantastic new range of summer hosiery available at With celeb style influence from Katy Perry and Holly Valance as well as Catwalk inspiration from across the world you will not be stuck with ideas of looking your best this season!
Shop Katy's Look! Katy Perry has been snapped out and about this week dressed in some fantastic lace tights, shorts and shoe boots. Get the look today with a choice of three great lace products to choose from!
Underwear as Outerwear! Henry Holland gave an insight into this trend last winter and since then designers such as Chanel have launched their editions to the daring look. Wearing your underwear as outerwear works with bodices worn over tops, big pants worn as hot pants and showing the tops of your hold ups. Celebs such as Lilly Alan, Taylor Momsen and Frankie from the Saturdays have all bared their hold ups, what are you waiting for?
Back to Backseam! This season's trends include a vintage feel which has seen collections with a 1940's feel. The pretty peterpan collars and hourglass tailored look has been seen everywhere from the red carpet to the high street. What better way to add a touch of glamour to your everyday outfit then with some classic seamed Nylons?
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